Project Home:
What is it?
The jAnalysisSuite is a set of ant tasks that simplifies the task of integrating multiple static analysis tools into your projects build cycle. Often I find that a single static analysis tool is not enough to because they all look at different aspects of your code. So in every project I find that I have configured (time and time again) a suite of tools and have littered my build path with jars and parameters.
JAnalysisSuite is a toolkit that provides a single jar and a single set of ant tasks that will create findbugs, checkstyle, pmd, jDepend and javaNcss xml reports for one or more modules in your build. All with minimal configuration.
Tools Integrated:
<target name="analyze" depends="compile">
<property name="" value="jAnalysisSuite-1.0.1.jar">
<taskdef resource="" classpath="${}"/>
<setupAnalysis jar="${}" quiet="true"/>
<addAnalysisItem srcdir="${src.dir}" builddir="${classes.dir}"/>
<addanalysisitem srcdir="${src2.dir}" builddir="${classes2.dir}">
<addanalysisitem srcdir="${src3.dir}" builddir="${classes3.dir}">
<addAnalysisItem srcdir="${src4.dir}" builddir="${classes4.dir}" testdir="${test4.dir}"/>
<performStaticAnalysis todir="reports" basename="report_">
<jdepend />
<javancss />
<testabilityexplorer />
<findbugs />
<emma filter="com.peterfranza.*"/>
<JUnit />
Optional Configuration:
See project page for configuration options link
Version 1.0.1
Version 1.0.0
Pre-Version 1.0.0