11 Sep 2008I will go on record saying that I love static analysis tools, especially findbugs. Now I’m not saying that they can work miracles, just like any tool they need to be used in conjunction with a somewhat functioning human brain in order to do more good than harm, but the thing that I like the most about the this tool in particular is that it is so easy. Much like the tag line for the project “Findbugs: because it’s easy” suggests, the software is very simple to run and will quickly provide useful and sometime life saving (I guess this depends on what your software does) results. Each bug that is found is identified with a bug description, a severity, a line number, and on request a detailed description of why what you wrote is less that ideal and suggestions for pattens or more proper methods to employ. It basically does everything short of fixing it for you, how cool is that. Of course there is a catch, findbugs can and will produce some false positives for bugs. However in my view I see this as a half blessing, because it forces you to take a look at something that you probably knew to be dubious while writing and will either shame you into using a less questionable method or at least let you convince yourself that this is exactly what you want.
The other hurdle that a first time findbugs user will find, especially when running it against a large project, is that he/she will be overwhelmed by the number of bugs that they find. Now lets be clear, nobody is suggesting that you sit down in an afternoon and fix all of them, one of the interesting things about static analysis is that it doesn’t actually know the execution path of your code. So it reports on all the possible paths that it figure out, and while it is probably correct that the code is full of bugs the module may be tested well enough for you to have confidence in the way that you are using it anyway. My rule of thumb is that I will run the tool and make myself away of the bugs and then as I go about my normal day adding features and closing trouble tickets I will fix the bugs that are in the classes that I touch, always leaving it better than I found it.
Eclipse Plugin
Now before when I said it was easy I ment it, but since they made an eclipse plugin if you are not using this tool you are coding irresponsibly. Once you install the plugin and restart eclipse all you have to do is right click on the root of your project and say ‘Findbugs -> findbugs’ and it will go out and do its thing, reporting everythign in the console with all other compiler errors and warnings.
Continuous Integration
The other thing that I am a big fan of is letting findbugs (and other tools like PMD, jDepend, etc..) run on your continous integration server of choice. Findbugs comes with a set of ant tasks that integrates nicely into many existing build suites. Most of these tools have findbugs plugins (I know hudson does for sure) and allow you to moniter the number of bugs being reported for each checkin. This will allow you and your team to see the result of their work, if the number goes up then they should know to go back and run the tool and fix their bugs, and if the number goes down they should feel good about themselves so having averted a potential disaster (at least thats how you can sell it to your boss at review time). The beuty of running it on a continous integration server is that you don’t even need to remember to do it, and yet you can still reap the benefits of its insight.
Bravo findbugs, bravo.